Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 1411
a bit un poco
a few un par
a few times varias veces
a handful un puñado
a little algo
a little bit un poco
abacus ábaco
abalone abulón
abandon abandono more translation
abandoned abandonado
abandonment abandono more translation
abase humillarse
abash avergonzar
abate amainar more translation
abatement disminución more translation
abattoir matadero
abbe abad
abbess abadesa
abbey abadía
abbot abad
abbreviate abreviar
abbreviation abreviatura
ABC abecé
abdicate abdicar
abdication abdicación
abdomen vientre more translation
abdominal abdominal
abduct secuestrar more translation
abduction rapto
aberrant aberrante
aberrate aberrar
aberration aberración
abet asistir
abeyance suspenso
abhor aborrecer more translation

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algorithm · algoritmo

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