Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 1411
angling pesca con caña
Angola Angola
angry enojado-a more translation
anguish angustia more translation
angular angular more translation
anhydride anhidrido
animadversion animadversión
animadvert censurar
animal animal more translation
animate animar
animation animación
animism animismo
animosity animosidad
anion 'anión''
anise anís
ankle tobillo
anneal templar more translation
annex anexar more translation
annexation adición
annihilate aniquilar
anniversary aniversario
annotate anotar
annotator comentarista
announce anunciar more translation
announcement anuncio more translation
announcer locutor
annoy molestar more translation
annoyance fastidio more translation
annoying cargante more translation
annual anual more translation
annually anualmente
annuity anualidad
annul anular
annular anular
annulled anulado-a

Word of the day:
policeman · policía

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.