Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 841 - 875 of 1411
anthropology antropología
anthropomorphic antropomórfico-a
anti anti-
antibiotic antibiótico more translation
antic travesura
anticipate anticipar more translation
anticipation anticipación
anticyclone anticiclón
antidepressant antidepresivo
antidote antídoto
antigen antígeno
antimatter antimateria
antimony antimonio
antipathy antipatía
antiperspirant antitranspirante
antiphonal antifonal
antipodes antípodas
antiquarian antiguo-a
antiquary antiguo-a
antiquate anticuar
antiquated anticuado-a
antique antiguo-a more translation
antiquity antigüedad
antiseptic antiséptico-a more translation
antisocial antisocial more translation
antithesis antítesis
antithetic antitético-a
antler cuerno
antonym antónimo
anus ano
anvil yunque
anxiety ansiedad more translation
anxious ansioso-a more translation
any algún-a more translation
anybody alguien

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