Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1051 - 1085 of 1411
ark arca
arm armar more translation
armada armada
armadillo armadillo
armament armamento
armature armadura
armchair sillón more translation
Armenian armenio
armhole sisa
armistice armisticio
armor armadura
armorer armero
armory armería
armour armadura
armoury armería
armpit axila more translation
army ejército
aroma olor more translation
aromatic aromático-a
around alrededor more translation
arousal despertar
arouse excitar
arpeggio arpeggio
arraign procesar
arraignment acusación
arrange componer more translation
arrangement arreglo more translation
array selección more translation
arrest arresto more translation
arrhythmia arritmia
arrival llegada
arrive arribar more translation
arrogance arrogancia more translation
arrogant arrogante
arrogate apropiarse

Word of the day:
viewpoint · punto de vista

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.