Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 1149
dancer bailarín-a
dandelion diente de león
dandruff caspa
dandy dandy more translation
Dane danés
danger peligro
dangerous peligroso-a more translation
dangle colgar more translation
Danish danesa
dank malsano-a y húmedo-a
dapper pulcro-a
dare atreverse more translation
daring arriesgado-a more translation
dark oscuro-a more translation
dark-skinned moreno-a
darken oscurecer more translation
darkness oscuridad more translation
darling querido-a more translation
darn zurcir
dart dardo
dash guión more translation
dashboard salpicadero more translation
data datos more translation
database base de datos
date fecha more translation
dateline línea de cambio de fecha
datum dato
daub embadurnar
daughter hija
daughter in law nuera
daughter-in-law nuera
daunt intimidar
davenport sofá
dawn amanecer more translation
day día

Word of the day:
reform · reforma

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.