Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1149
debilitate debilitar
debility debilidad
debit débito more translation
debonair cortés
debris escombros more translation
debt deuda
debtor deudor-a
debug depurar
debugger depurador
debugging depurador
debunk desacreditar
debut debut
debutante debutante more translation
decade década
decadent decadente
decaf descafeinado-a
decaffeineted descafeinado-a
decal calcomanía
decant decantar
decapitate decapitar
decapitation decapitación
decathlon decatlón
decay decaimiento more translation
decease defunción more translation
deceased difunto-a
deceit engaño
deceitful engañoso-a
deceive engañar more translation
decelerate desacelerar more translation
December diciembre
decency decencia
decent decente more translation
deception engaño
deceptive engañoso-a more translation
decibel decibel

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.