Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 770
eastward hacia el este
easy fácil more translation
easygoing tranquilo-a
eat comer
eater comilón-a more translation
eating room comedor
eavesdrop escuchar a hurtadillas
ebb reflujo
ebony ébano
ebullient vivaz
eccentric excéntrico-a more translation
ecclesiastic eclesiástico-a
echelon escalón
echo eco more translation
eclectic eclético-a
eclipse eclipse more translation
ecological ecológico-a
ecology ecología
economic económico-a more translation
economical económico-a
economist economista
economy economía
ecosystem ecosistema
ecotourism ecoturismo
ecstasy éxtasis
ecstatic extasiado-a more translation
Ecuador Ecuador
Ecuadorian ecuatoriano
eddy remolino
edelweiss edelweiss
edge borde more translation
edging borde
edgy tenso-a more translation
edible comestible
edict edicto

Word of the day:
flank · flanco

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.