Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 770
eggshell cáscara de huevo
ego ego
egocentric egocéntrico-a more translation
egoism egoísmo
egoist egoísta
egoistic egoísta
egomaniac ególatra
egotism egotismo
egotist egotista
egotistical egotista
egregious atroz
egress salida
egret garceta
Egypt Egipto
Egyptian egipcio more translation
eiderdown edredón
eigenvalue autovalor
eight ocho
eight hundred ochocientos
eighteen dieciocho
eighteenth decimoctavo-a more translation
eighth octavo-a more translation
eightieth octogésimo-a
eighty ochenta
either o more translation
ejaculate eyacular
ejaculation eyaculación
eject expulsar
elaborate elaborar
elapse pasar more translation
elastic elástico-a more translation
elasticity elasticidad
elate regocijar
elbow codo
elder mayor more translation

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curio · curiosidad

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.