Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 670
fable fábula
fabric tejido
fabricate fabricar
fabulous fantástico-a
facade fachada
face cara more translation
facet faceta
facetious burlón-a
facial facial
facile superficial
facilitate facilitar
facility facilidad
facsimile facsímil
fact hecho
factor factor
factorial factorial
factory fábrica
factual factual
faculty facultad
fad moda pasajera
fade apagarse
fag maricón
fail fracasar
failsafe de seguridad
failure fracaso
fain de buen grado
faint débil
fair justo-a
fairway calle
fairy hada
fairytale cuento de hadas
faith fe
fake imitación
fake sickness enfermedad falsa
falcon halcón

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footstep · paso

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