Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 281 - 315 of 561
hideaway escondite
hideous horroroso-a
hideout guarida
hierarchic jerárquico-a
hierarchy jerarquía
hieroglyphic jeroglífico
high alto-a more translation
high fever fiebre alta
highfalutin pomposo-a
highhanded prepotente
highland montañoso-a
highlight destacar
highway carretera
hijack secuestro
hike caminata
hiking excursionismo
hilarious divertidísimo-a
hilarity hilaridad
hill colina more translation
hillbilly rústico-a
hillock loma
hillside ladera
hilltop cima de una colina
hilly accidentado-a
hilt puño
him lo-le
himself se
hind trasero
Hindi hindi
hindrance estorbo
hindsight retrospección
Hindu hindú
hinge bisagra
hint pista more translation
hinterland interior

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shuttle · shuttle

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