Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 1261
pastime pasatiempo
pastor pastor-a
pastoral pastoral
pastry masa
pasture pastos
pasty pálido-a
pat golpecito
patch parche
patchwork patchwork
patchy remendado-a
pate paté
patent patente
paternal paternal
path sendero
pathetic patético-a
pathogen patógeno-a
pathology patología
pathos patetismo
pathway camino
patient paciente
patina pátina
patriarch patriarca
patriarchal patriarcal
patriarchy patriarcado
patrician patricio-a
patrimonial patrimonial
patrimony patrimonio
patriot patriota
patriotic patriótico-a
patrol patrulla
patrolman policía
patron presidente
patronage clientela
pattern diseño
patty fritura de carne

Word of the day:
accost · abordar

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