Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 712
rage rabia
ragout ragout
raid asalto
rail carril
raillery burla
railroad ferrocarril
railway ferrocarril
rain lluvia
rainbow arco iris
raincoat impermeable
raindrop gota de lluvia
rainfall precipitación more translation
rainstorm temporal
rainy lluvioso-a
raise levantar
raisin pasa
raisins pasa
rake rastrillo
rakish desenfadado-a
rally concentración
ram carnero
ramble paseo
ramify ramificarse
ramp rampa
rampage alborotarse
rampant galopante
rampart muralla
ramrod baqueta
ranch rancho more translation
rancid rancio-a
rancorous rencoroso-a
random al azar
randy cachondo-a
range sierra more translation
rangy largo-a y delgado-a

Word of the day:
affectionate · cariñoso, cariñosa

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