Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 712
rawhide cuero crudo
ray rayo
raze arrasar
razor navaja de afeitar more translation
re re
reach alcance more translation
react reaccionar
reactionary reaccionario-a
read leer
readout leer en voz alta
ready listo-a more translation
reagent reactivo
real real
realize realizar
realm reino
realtor agente m inmobiliario
realty bienes raíces
ream resma
reap cosechar more translation
rear parte f de atrás more translation
reason razón more translation
reasonable razonable
reassemble volver a reunir
reassure tranquilizar
rebel rebelde
rebellion rebelión
rebellious rebelde
rebound rebote
rebuke reprimenda more translation
rebut rebatir more translation
rebuttal refutación
recalcitrant recalcitrante
recall recordar
recant retractarse
recede retirarse more translation

Word of the day:
delinquent · delincuente

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.