Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 1761
Sabbath sábado
sabbatical sabático-a
sable de marta
sabotage sabotear more translation
sac saco
sack saco more translation
sacrament sacramento
sacred sagrado-a
sacrifice sacrificio more translation
sacrificial expiatorio-a
sacrilege sacrilegio
sacrilegious sacrílego-a
sacrosanct sacrosanto-a
sad triste
sadden entristecer
saddle silla f de montar
saddlebag alforja
sadism sadismo
sadist sádico-a
safari safari
safe seguro-a more translation
safeguard salvaguarda
safekeeping custodia
safety seguridad
saffron azafrán
sag combarse
saga saga
sagacious sagaz
sagacity sagacidad
sage sabio-a more translation
sagebrush artemisa
sago sagú
said dicho-a
sail vela more translation
sailboat barco de vela

Word of the day:
baton · bastón

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