Translation of “conduct” in Spanish

5 translation entries available
English conduct
Type noun
Spanish conducta
Gender f
Plural conductas
Your conduct is not good
Tu conducta no es buena
English conduct
Type regular verb/transitive verb
Spanish llevar a cabo
Past Tense llevado (a cabo)
Future Tense llevar- (a cabo)
I'm conducting a plan
Estoy llevando a cabo un plan
English conduct
Type noun
Spanish modales
Gender m
Plural modales
My child's conduct
Los modales de mi hijo
English conduct
Type transitive verb
Spanish conducir
Past Tense conducido
Future Tense conducir-
To conduct a campaign.
Conducir una campaña publicitaria.
English conduct
Type transitive verb
Spanish guiar
Past Tense guiado
Future Tense guiar-
To conduct an experiment.
Hacer un experimento.

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