Translation of “crash” in Spanish

6 translation entries available
English crash
Type noun
Spanish accidente
Gender m
Plural accidentes
We had a car accident
Tuvimos un accidente de automóvil
English crash
Type noun
Spanish estrépito
Gender m
Plural estrépitos
Hear the crash of the waves
Escucha el estrépito de las olas
English crash
Type regular verb/intransitive verb
Spanish estrellarse
Past Tense estrellado
Future Tense estrellar-
The plane crashed
El avión se estrelló
English crash
Type intransitive verb
Spanish chocar
Past Tense chocado
Future Tense chocar-
Car crash.
Choque de coches.
English crash
Type noun
Spanish caída
Gender f
Plural caídas
The dish crashed.
El plato se cayó.
English crash
Type noun
Spanish choque
Gender m
Plural choques
Culture crash.
Choque de culturas.

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