Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 1411
abstruse abstruso-a
absurd absurdo more translation
absurdity absurdidad
absurdly absurdamente
abundance abundancia more translation
abundant abundante
abundantly abundantemente
abuse abuso more translation
abuser abusador/a
abusive abusivo more translation
abut colindar
abysmal abismal more translation
abyss abismo
academia academía
academic universitario more translation
academician académica more translation
academy academía
acanthus acanto
accede acceder
accelerate acelerar
acceleration aceleración
accelerator acelerador
accent acento
accentual acentual
accentuate acentuar
accept aceptar
acceptability aceptabilidad
acceptable aceptable
acceptance aceptación
access acceso more translation
accessible accesible
accession adquisición
accessory accesorio
accident accidente
accidental accidental

Word of the day:
this · éste-esto-esta

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