Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1366 - 1400 of 1411
avenger vengador-a''
avenue avenida more translation
aver afirmar
average media more translation
averse sentir rechazo por
aversion aversión
avert apartar more translation
aviary pajarera
aviation aviación''
aviator aviador
avid ávido-a more translation
avocado aguacate more translation
avoid evitar more translation
avoidable evitable
avoidance control de gastos
avow reconocer
await esperar more translation
awake despierto-a more translation
awaken despertar
awakening despertar
award premio more translation
aware consciente more translation
awareness conocimiento more translation
awash inundado-a
away lejos more translation
awe sobrecogimiento more translation
awesome imponente more translation
awful horrible more translation
awhile un rato
awkward torpe more translation
awl punzón more translation
awning toldo
awry torcido-a
ax hacha
axe hacha

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belle · beldad

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.