Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 779
inclose incluir
include incluir
inclusion inclusión
inclusive global
incoherent incoherente
incombustible incombustible
income ingresos more translation
incommensurable inconmensurable
incommensurate inconmensurable
incommunicable incomunicable
incomparable incomparable
incompatible incompatible
incompetent incompetente
incomplete incompleto-a
incomprehensible incomprensible
incomprehension incomprensión
inconceivable inconcebible
inconclusive no concluyente
incongruity incongruencia
incongruous incongruente
inconsequential intrascendente
inconsiderable insignificante
inconsiderate desconsiderado-a
inconsistent incoherente
inconsolable inconsolable
inconspicuous apenas visible
inconstant inconstante
incontestable indiscutible
incontrovertible incontrovertible
inconvenient inoportuno-a
incorporate incorporar
incorrect incorrecto-a
incorrigible incorregible
incorruptible incorruptible
increasable ampliable

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