About Spanish Dictionary

SpanishDictionary.net is the place to learn Spanish. Our Spanish dictionary was built by people who speak the Spanish language on a daily basis. With over 25,000 Spanish words, English translations and word usage examples, SpanishDictionary.net maintains one of the most practical Spanish dictionaries online.

Our dictionary has been created by native translators in order to give an efficient tool to English speakers who decided to learn Don Quijote's language! Spoken in Spain and in many countries in South America, the Spanish language will allow you to communicate with different people from all over the world.

Each English entry of the dictionary presents its own translation in Spanish.

You will find nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs... anything you need!

If you need to find a noun, you will, and you will also find out if it's feminine or masculine and which is its plural. The same goes for the adjectives.

If you need the translation of a verb, you will surely find it, and you will also know the past tense and the future tense in order to form complete sentences.

Moreover, you can find adverbs, common expressions, examples inspired by spoken language or by specific contexts.

Our project is in constant evolution and the dictionary is going to be richer and richer thanks to our contribution... So, stay tuned to improve your language skills!


Word of the day:
rendition · interpretación

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.