Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 330
oaf patán
oak roble
oar remo
oasis oasis
oat avena
oath juramento
oatmeal harina de avena
obduracy inflexibilidad
obdurate obstinado-a
obedient obediente
obeisant reverente
obelisk obelisco
obese obeso-a
obey obedecer
obfuscate confundir
obfuscatory ofuscador/a
obituary nota necrológica
object objeto
objectify deshumanizar
objective objetivo
objectivity objetividad
objector objetor-a
oblate achatado-a
obligate vincular more translation
obligation obligación
obligatory obligatorio-a
oblige obligar
oblique oblicuo-a more translation
obliterate arrasar
oblivion olvido
oblivious inconsciente
oblong alargado-a
obnoxious detestable more translation
oboe oboe
obscene obsceno-a

Word of the day:
asceticism · ascetismo

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