Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 528
gab charlar
gabardine gabardina
gabble farfullar
gable gablete
gad callejeo
gadfly tabaño
gadget artilugio
gadgetry aparatos
gaff casa
gaffe metedura de pata
gag burla more translation
gagging arcadas
gaggle bandada
gaiety alegría
gain ganar
gait modo de andar
gal chica
galactic galáctico-a
galaxy galaxia
gale vendaval
galena galena
Galician gallego more translation
Galilee Galilea
gall molestar
gallant valiente more translation
gallantry gallardía
gallery galería
galley galera
Gallic galo
gallivant callejear
gallon galón
gallop galope
gallows horca
gallstone cálculo biliar
galvanic galvánico/a

Word of the day:
posthumous · póstumo-a

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