Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 712
rabbi rabino-a
rabbit conejo
rabble muchedumbre
rabid rabioso-a
rabies rabia
raccoon mapache
race carrera more translation
racetrack pista
raceway caz
racial racial
rack estante
racket raqueta
racketeer mafioso-a
rackety ruidoso/a
racy animado-a
radar radar
radial radial
radiant radiante
radiate irradiar
radical radical
radio radio
radioactive radioactivo radioactiva
radiochemistry radioquímica
radiography radiografía
radiology radiología
radiometer radiometro
radiosonde radiosonda
radiotherapy radioterapia
radish rábano
radium radio
radius radio
radix base
raffia rafia
raft balsa
rag trapo

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