Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 712
receipt recepción more translation
receive recibir more translation
recent reciente
receptacle receptáculo
reception recepción
receptive receptivo-a
recess hueco more translation
recession recesión
recessive recesivo-a
recipe receta
recipient destinatario-a
reciprocal recíproco-a
reciprocate corresponder
reciprocity mutualidad
recital recital
recitation recitación
recitative recitativo-a
recite recitar
reckon calcular more translation
reclaim reclamar
reclamation reclamación
recline reclinar
recluse ermitaño-a
recognize reconocer
recollect recordar
recommend recomendar
recompense recompensa
reconcile conciliar more translation
recondite recóndito/a
reconnaissance reconocimiento
reconstruct reconstruir
record registro more translation
recount contar
recoup recuperar
recourse recurso more translation

Word of the day:
devoid · desprovisto-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.