Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 211 - 245 of 712
refer suspender more translation
referee árbitro-a
referendum referéndum
referential referencial
refill rellenar
refine refinar
refinery refinería
reflect reflejar more translation
reflectance reflexión
reflector reflector
reflex reflejo
reflexive reflexivo-a
reforestation reforestación
reform reforma
reformatory reformatorio
refract refractar
refractory refractario-a
refrain abstenerse more translation
refresh refrescar
refrigerate refrigerar
refrigerator refrigerador
refuge refugio
refugee refugiado-a
refund restitución
refusal denegación more translation
refuse rechazar
refutation refutación
refute refutar
regain recuperar
regal regio-a
regale agasajar
regalia ropajes
regard considerar more translation
regatta regata
regent regente

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enough · bastante

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.