Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 52
yacht yate
yachtsman regatista
yak yak
yam ñame
yang yang
yank tirar de
yap ladrar
yard patio
yardage medida
yardstick criterio
yarn hilo
yarrow aquilea
yaw viraje
yawn bostezar
yea voto a favor
yeah ¡yeah!
year año
yearbook anuario
yearly anual
yearn anhelar
yeast levadura
yeasty que sabe a levadura
yell gritar
yellow amarillo-a
yellowish amarillento/a
yelp aullido
yen yen
yeoman vasallo
yesterday ayer
yesteryear antaño
yet todavía
yield ceder
yin yin
yodel cantar al estilo tirolés

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crest · copete

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