Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 767
macabre macabro-a
mace maza
Macedonian macedonio
machine máquina
machinery maquinaria
machismo machismo
macho macho
mackerel caballa
mackintosh impermeable
macro macro
macromolecular macromolecular
macromolecule macromolecula
macroscopic macroscópico-a
mad loco-a more translation
madam señora
madcap cabeza hueca
madden enloquecer
made hecho-a
madhouse manicomio
madman loco
Madrid Madrid
madrigal madrigal
maestro maestro
magazine revista
magenta morado
maggot gusano
magic magia more translation
magician mago-a
magisterial magistral
magistrate juez de primera instancia
magnanimity magnanimidad
magnanimous magnánimo-a
magnate magnate
magnesium magnesio
magnet imán

Word of the day:
huge · enorme

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