Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 767
maple arce
mar estropear
marathon maratón
marble mármol
March marzo more translation
mare yegua
margarine margarina
margin margen
marginal marginal
marginalia notas al margen
marigold caléndula
marijuana marihuana
marina puerto deportivo
marinade adobo
marinate adobar
marine marino-a
marionette marioneta
marital matrimonial
maritime marítimo-a
marjoram mejorana
mark marca more translation
market mercado
marketeer comerciante
marketplace mercado
marksman tirador
marmalade mermelada
maroon granate
marquee carpa
marquess marquesa
marriage matrimonio more translation
marriageable casadero-a
married casado-a
married couple matrimonio
marrow médula
marrowbone hueso con tuétano

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