Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 36 - 70 of 767
magnetic magnético-a
magnificent magnífico-a
magnify aumentar more translation
magnitude magnitud
magnolia magnolia
magpie urraca
mahogany caoba
maid criada more translation
maiden doncella
maidenhair cabello de Venus
maidservant criada
mail mail more translation
mailbox buzón m de correo more translation
mailman cartero
maim lisiar
main principal more translation
mainland continente
mainline línea principal
mainstream corriente dominante
maintain conservar more translation
maintenance mantenimiento
majestic majestuoso-a
majesty majestuosidad
major muy importante more translation
majority mayoría
majorityrule la mayoría decide
make hacer
makeshift improvisado-a
makeup maquillaje more translation
maladjusted inadaptado/a
maladroit torpe
malady mal
malaise malestar
malaria malaria
malcontent malcontento

Word of the day:
lengthy · largo/a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.