Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 770
e-mail correo
each cada
each one cada uno
eager impaciente more translation
eagerness ímpetu
eagle águila
ear oreja more translation
eardrum tímpano
earl conde
earldom condado
earlier antes more translation
early temprano more translation
early morning madrugada
earmark destinar
earn ganar
earnest serio-a more translation
earphone audífono
earphones auriculares
earpiece auricular
earring pendiente more translation
earth tierra
earthen de barro
earthenware de barro more translation
earthly terrestre
earthquake terremoto more translation
earthworm lombriz de tierra
earthy terroso-a
ease facilidad
easel caballete
easily fácilmente
easiness facilidad
east este more translation
eastbound en dirección este
Easter Pascua
eastern este more translation

Word of the day:
erect · eregir

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.