Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 770
eminent eminente
emissary emisario-a more translation
emission emisión
emissivity emisividad
emit emitir more translation
emitter emisor
emotion emoción
emotional emocional
empathy empatía
emperor emperador
emphasis énfasis
emphasize acentuar more translation
emphatic empático-a more translation
emphysema enfisema
empire impero more translation
empiric empírico-a
empirical empírico-a
employ emplear more translation
employed empleado-a
employee empleado-a more translation
employer empleador-a more translation
employment puesto
emporium emporio
empower otorgarle poderes a alguien more translation
empress emperatriz
emptiness vacío
empty vacío-a more translation
emulate emular
emulsify emulsionar
emulsion emulsión
enable permitir more translation
enamel esmalte more translation
encapsulate encapsular
encephalitis encefalitis
enchant encantar

Word of the day:
extort · extorsionar

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.