Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 736 - 770 of 770
extinguish extinguir
extirpate extirpar
extol ensalzar
extort extorsionar
extra extra
extract extracto more translation
extractor extractor
extracurricular activity actividad extracurricular
extramarital extramatrimonial
extraneous superfluo-a
extraordinary extraordinario-a more translation
extrapolate extrapolar
extraterrestrial extraterrestre
extravagant extravagante
extravaganza gran espectáculo
extreme extremo-a
extricate sacar con dificultad
extroversion extroversión
extrovert extrovertido-a
extrude extrudir
exuberant exuberante
exult regocijarse
exultant exultante
exultation exultación
eye ojo
eyeball globo ocular
eyebrow ceja
eyed de ojos
eyeglass gafa
eyelash pestaña
eyelet ojete
eyelid párpado
eyepiece ocular
eyesight vista
eyewitness testigo ocular

Word of the day:
voluptuous · voluptuoso-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.