Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 316 - 350 of 767
mendacious mendaz
mendacity mendacidad
menial poco importante
meniscus menisco
menstruate menstruar
mensuration medición
mental mental more translation
mention mencionar more translation
mentor mentor-a
menu carta more translation
mercantile mercantil
mercenary mercenario-a
merchandise mercancía
merchant comerciante
merciful misericordioso-a
mercilessly sin piedad
mercurial mercurial
Mercury Mercurio
mercy misericordia more translation
mere mero-a
meretricious ampuloso-a
merge combinar more translation
meridian meridiano
meringue merengue
merit mérito
meritorious merecedor-a
mermaid sirena
merriment alegría
merry alegre
mesh malla
mess desorden
message recado more translation
messenger mensajero-a more translation
messy desordenado-a
metabolic metabólico-a

Word of the day:
indispensable · indispensable

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.