Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 246 - 280 of 767
meadow prado
meadowland pradera
meadowsweet reina de la pradera
meager exiguo-a
meal comida
mealtime hora de comer
mean significa more translation
meander meandro
meantime mientras tanto
meanwhile mientras tanto
measure medida more translation
meat carne
meatball albóndiga
meaty a carne
mechanic mecánico-a
mechanical mecánico-a
mechanism mecanismo
medal medalla
medallion medallón
meddle entrometerse
media medios de comunicación
median mediana
mediate mediar
medic médico-a
medical médico-a more translation
medicate medicar
medication medicamento
medicinal medicinal
medicine medicina
mediocre mediocre
mediocrity mediocridad
meditate meditar
medium mediano-a
medley mezcla
meek dócil

Word of the day:
school · escuela

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.