Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 767
manganese manganeso
mange sarna
mangle destrozar
manhole pozo
manhood virilidad more translation
mania manía
maniac maníaco-a more translation
maniacal maniacal
manic frenético-a
manifest evidente
manifestation manifestación
manifold múltiples
manikin maniquí
manipulable manipulable
manipulate manipular
mankind humanidad
manna maná
mannequin maniquí
manner forma
mannerism amaneramiento
manor heredad more translation
manpower mano de obra more translation
manse mansión
manservant sirviente
mansion mansión
manslaughter homicidio
mantis mantis
mantle manto
mantrap trampa
manual manual
manufacture fabricación more translation
manure estiércol
manuscript manuscrito
many muchos-as more translation
map mapa more translation

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lure · aliciente

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