Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 176 - 210 of 712
recover recuperar
recovery recuperación
recruit contratar more translation
rectangle rectángulo
rectangular rectangular
rectify rectificar
rectilinear rectilíneo-a
rectitude rectitud
rector rector-a
rectory rectoría
rectum recto
recumbent recostado-a
recuperate recuperarse de
recur repetirse
recurrent recurrente
red rojo-a more translation
redact redactar
redden enrojecerse
reddish rojizo-a
redeem redimir more translation
redemption salvación
redhead pelirrojo-a
redneck cateto-a
redound redundar
reduce disminuir more translation
reducible reducible
redundant superfluo-a
redwood secoya
reed junco more translation
reedy agudo-a
reef arrecife more translation
reek apestar a more translation
reel carrete
refection refacción
refectory comedor

Word of the day:
iconoclast · iconoclasta

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