Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 141 - 175 of 528
geophysical geofísico-a
geophysics geofísica
geranium geranio
gerbil jerbo
geriatric geriátrico-a
germ germen
German alemana more translation
germane estar vinculado-a
germanium germanio
Germany Alemania
germicidal germicidal
germicide bactericida
germinal germinal
germinate germinar
gerund gerundio
gestalt gestalt
gesticulate gesticular
gesture gesto
get obtener
getaway huida
geyser géiser
Ghana Ghana
ghastly espantoso-a
gherkin pepinillo
ghetto gueto
ghost fantasma
ghostlike fantasmal
ghostly fantasmal
ghoul morboso/a
giant gigante
gibberish galimatías
gibbet horca
gibbon gibón
gibe pulla
giddy de mareo

Word of the day:
shabby · gastado,a

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