Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 330
officious oficioso-a
offload descargar
offset compensar
offshoot rama
offshore submarino-a
offspring cría
offstage entre bastidores
often a menudo
oftentimes a menudo
ogle comerse con los ojos
ogre ogro
oh oh
Oh my god Por Dios
ohm ohm
oil petróleo more translation
oilcloth hule
oily aceitoso-a
ointment pomada
ok ok
Okay vale more translation
old viejo-a
old bachelor solterón
old bachelor viejo solterón
old maid solterona
old-fashioned tradicional
olden envejecer
olfactory olfativo-a
oligarchy oligarquía
oligopoly oligopolio
olive aceituna more translation
Oman Omán
ombudsman ombudsman
omega omega
omelet tortilla
omen augurio

Word of the day:
live · residir

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