Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1 - 35 of 476
lab laboratorio
label etiqueta
labile voluble
labor trabajo
laboratory laboratorio
laborious laborioso-a
labour trabajo
labyrinth laberinto
lace cordón
lacerate lacerar
lack falta more translation
lackey lacayo-a
lacquer laca
lacrosse lacrosse
lacy de encaje
lad muchacho
ladder escalera
laden cargado-a
ladle cucharón
lady señora
ladylike elegante
lag atrasarse
lagging aislamiento
lagoon laguna
lair guarida
laity laicado
lake lago more translation
lakeside a la orilla del lago
lam escaparse
lamb cordero
lame cojo-a more translation
lament lamentarse
lamentation lamento
laminate laminado more translation
lamp lámpara

Word of the day:
macromolecular · macromolecular

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.