Translation of “cut” in Spanish

6 translation entries available
English cut
Type regular verb/transitive verb
Spanish cortar
Past Tense cortado
Future Tense cortar-
He cut the tree
Cortó el árbol
English cut
Type noun
Spanish corte
Gender m
Plural cortes
My cut is deep
Mi corte está grave
English cut
Type noun
Spanish corte
Gender m
Plural cortes
Do you like my new hair cut?
¿Te gusta mi nuevo corte de pelo?
English cut
Type noun
Spanish corte
Gender m
Plural cortes
A meat cut
Un corte de carne
English cut
Type noun
Spanish recorte
Gender m
Plural recortes
We made cuts.
Hicimos recortes.
English cut
Type noun
Spanish incisión
Gender f
Plural incisiones
A cut on the skin.
Una incisión en la piel.

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