Translation of “damage” in Spanish

6 translation entries available
English damage
Type noun
Spanish daño
Gender m
Plural daños
He caused me damage
Me causó daños
English damage
Type noun
Spanish perjuicio
Gender m
Plural perjuicios
Damage to my reputation
Perjuicio para mi reputación
English damage
Type noun
Spanish deterioro
Gender m
Plural deterioros
Your relationship damage
El deterioro de tu relación
English damage
Type transitive verb
Spanish estropear
Past Tense estropeado
Future Tense estropear-
Her action damages our work.
Su acción daña nuestro trabajo.
English damage
Type transitive verb
Spanish dañar
Past Tense dañado
Future Tense dañar-
You're damaging your kidneys.
Estás dañando tus riñones.
English damage
Type transitive verb
Spanish perjudicar
Past Tense perjudicado
Future Tense perjudicar-
Don't damage my life.
No perjudiques mi vida.

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