Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 456 - 490 of 1411
agitated agitado
agitation desasosiego more translation
agitator agitador
agnostic agnóstico more translation
agnosticism agnosticismo
ago hace
agony agonìa
agoraphobia agorafobia
agrarian agrario more translation
agree estar de acuerdo more translation
agreeable agradable
agreed de acuerdo
agreement acuerdo more translation
agricultural agrario more translation
agriculture agricultura
agronomist agrónomo/a
ah ah
ahead delante more translation
aid socorrer more translation
aide ayudante more translation
ail afligir more translation
aim objetivo more translation
air airear more translation
air force fuerza aérea
air pressure presión atmosférica
airborne aerotransportado more translation
aircraft avión
airfield campo de aviación
airflow flujo de aire
airlift puente aéreo
airline aerolínea
airlock bolsa de aire
airmail correo aéreo
airman aviador

Word of the day:
boil · bullir

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