Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 1716 - 1750 of 1958
creation creación
creative creativo-a
creativity creatividad
creator creador-a
creature criatura
creche orfanato
credibility credibilidad
credible creíble
credit crédito more translation
credit card tarjeta de crédito
creditor acreedor-a more translation
credulity credulidad
credulous crédulo-a
creed credo
creek arroyo more translation
creep arrastrarse
creeper enredadera
creepy escalofriante more translation
cremate cremar
crematory horno crematorio
creme crema
creole criollo more translation
creosote creosota
crepe crep more translation
crescendo crescendo
crescent creciente
cress mastuerzo
crest cresta more translation
crestfallen alicaído-a
cretin cretino-a
cretinism cretinismo
cretinous cretino/a
crevice hendedura
crew tripulación more translation
crib cuna more translation

Word of the day:
supra · supra-

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