Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 841 - 875 of 1149
divergent divergente
diverse diversos-as more translation
diversify diversificar
diversion diversión more translation
diversity diversidad
divert desviar more translation
divest despojar
divide dividir more translation
dividend dividendo
divider separador
divination adivinación
divine divino-a more translation
divinity divinidad
divisible divisible
division división more translation
divisional de división
divisive divisivo-a
divisor divisor
divorce divorcio more translation
divorced divorciado-a
divorcee persona divorciada
divulge divulgar
dizziness mareo
dizzy de mareo more translation
do hacer
doberman Doberman
doc doc more translation
docile dócil more translation
dock muelle more translation
docket lista de casos
dockyard astillero
doctor doctor-a more translation
doctoral doctoral
doctorate doctorado
doctrinaire doctrinario-a

Word of the day:
daisy · margarita

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.