Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 71 - 105 of 670
farmer agricultor
farmhouse granja
farmland tierras de labranza
farther más lejos
fascicle fascículo
fascinate fascinar
fascism fascismo
fascist fascista
fashion moda
fast rápido-a
fasten abrochar
fastidious muy exigente
fat gordo-a
fatal fatal
fate destino
father padre
father in law suegro
fathom braza
fatigue fatiga
fatten engordar
fatty untuoso-a more translation
fatuous fatuo-a
faucet grifo
fault culpa
faulty defectuoso-a
faun fauno
fauna fauna
favor favor
favorite favorito-a
fawn cervato
faze desconcertar
fealty lealtad
fear miedo
fearsome temible
feasible factible

Word of the day:
cartilaginous · cartilaginoso-a

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