Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 133 of 133
julep julepe
July julio
jumble revoltijo
jumbo gigante
jump salto more translation
jumpy nervioso-a
junction cruce more translation
juncture juntura
June junio
jungle jungla
junior más joven
juniper enebro
junk basura
junta junta militar
Jupiter Júpiter
juridical jurídico/a
jurisdiction jurisdición
jurisprudent jurisprudente
juror jurado-a
jury jurado
just sólo more translation
justice justicia
justify justificar
jut sobresalir
jute yute
juvenile de menores
juxtapose yuxtaponer
juxtaposition yuxtaposición

Word of the day:
confidant · confidante

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.