Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 666 - 700 of 767
mountaineer alpinista
mountainous montañoso-a
mountainside ladera de la montaña
mourn llorar
mouse ratón
moustache bigotes
mousy castaño claro
mouth boca
mouthpiece boquilla
move mover
movie película
Mr Sr. more translation
Mrs Sra more translation
much mucho-a
muck estiércol
mucosa mucosa
mucus mucosidad
mud barro
muddle lío
muddy embarrado-a
mudguard guardabarros
muff desperdiciar
muffin muffin
muffle amortiguar
mug taza
mugging atraco
muggy pesado-a
mulatto mulato-a
mulberry mora
mulch mantillo
mule mula
mulish testarudo/a
mull ponderar
multi multi
multifarious variopinto/a

Word of the day:
raffia · rafia

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