Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 106 - 140 of 372
waylay abordar
wayward díscolo,a
we nosotros-as
weak débil
weaken debilitar
weal verdugón
wealth riqueza
wealthy rico,a
wean destetar
weapon arma
weaponry armas
wear llevar
wearisome pesado,a
weary cansado, cansada
weasel comadreja
weather tiempo
weatherproof impermeable
weave tejer
web telaraña more translation
wed casarse con
wedding boda
wedge cuña
wedlock matrimonio
Wednesday miércoles
wee pipí
weed mala hierba
weedy debilucho,a
week semana
weekday día de semana
weekend fin de semana
weigh pesar
weight peso
weighty de peso
weir presa
weird raro, rara

Word of the day:
wristwatch · reloj de pulsera

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