Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 771 - 805 of 1089
boyhood juventud
boyish pueril
bozo idiota
bra sostén more translation
brace abrazadera more translation
bracelet pulsera more translation
bracken helechos more translation
bracket corchete more translation
brackish salobre
brag presumir more translation
bragging fanfarronada
braid trenza more translation
brain cerebro more translation
brainstorm lluvia de ideas
brainteaser rompecabezas
brainwash lavar el cerebro
brainy inteligente
braise estofar more translation
brake frenar more translation
brakeman guardafrenos
bramble zarza
bran salvado
branch brazo more translation
branching bifurcación
brand marca
brandish blandir more translation
brandy coñac more translation
brash descarado-a
brass latón more translation
brassiere sostén
brassy de color latón
brat chaval
bravado bravatas
brave valiente more translation
bravery valentía

Word of the day:
plop · plaf

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.