Spanish Dictionary

English Spanish
Showing translation entries 911 - 945 of 1089
brood nidada
brook arroyo
broom escoba
broomstick palo de escoba
broth caldo
brothel burdel
brother hermano
brother in law cuñado
brother-in-law cuñado
brotherhood hermandad more translation
brothers hermanos
brow ceja
brown marrón more translation
brownie brownie more translation
browse mirar more translation
browser navegador
bruise moretón more translation
bruit pregonar
brunch brunch
brunette morena
brunt sufrir algo
brush cepillo more translation
brushfire incendio forestal
brusque intratable
brutal brutal
brutality brutalidad
brutally brutalmente
brute bruto-a more translation
bubble burbuja more translation
buck ciervo more translation
bucket cubo more translation
buckle hebilla
buckshot escopeta
buckskin ante
buckwheat alforfón

Word of the day:
decaffeineted · descafeinado-a

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"more translation" means that there is more than one translation.